Selasa, 09 Desember 2008

A Clash of Global and Local Cultural Values: A Feminist Critical Analysis on Ayu's "Staccato"

Asih Sigit Padmanugraha
Yogyakarta State University

“Kelamin saling siturahmi” is among those inspiring the writer to discuss “Staccato”, a short story written by Djenar Maesa Ayu, besides the extreme exploitation of global sense words: party, roti, whiskey and house music, just to mention a few. The word kelamin has a negative sense while silaturahmi has a positive one. The combination of the two creates extremely great imagination and a very complicated clash of cultural values.
Besides the “easy to follow” poetic writing style, this story explores sex life more bravely than those written by man. This is, probably, why Ayu becomes one of the best selling authors. However, Ayu is a phenomenon in Indonesia because she produces her own value concerning sex and not following the local but global one. This is best represented in her costume when performing on TV, which coincidently talks about sex.
Such a writing would never be accepted in the past, for instance before the Reformation Era, because such a writing will be banned by the government. On March 2007, “Jangan Main-Main dengan Kelaminmu,” the novel which “Staccato” belongs to, has been reprinted for the 6th time. This means, Ayu’s global values are accepted by the society, the Eastern society, the Indonesians. Therefore, this paper is aimed at exploring the clash of global and local values as reflected in “Staccato” by using a feminist approach.

Key words: “Staccato,” clash of culture, global and local values