Minggu, 21 Desember 2008


Curriculum Vitae

A. Personal Information
1) Name : Asih Sigit Padmanugraha
2) Place/Date of Birth : Sleman, Februari 2, 1976
3) Sex : Male
4) Home Address : Sunten 8/32 Banguntapan Bantul 55198
5) Phone : 0811283743
6) E-mail : aspuny@yahoo.com

B. Professional Information
7) Education :
a. English Literature (2000), Gadjah Mada University
b. American Studies (2005), Gadjah Mada University
8) Work :
a. (2002-present)
§ Lecturer of the English Language and Literature Study Program, English Education Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Yogyakarta State University
§ Lecturer of the Center of Language Development, Training and Services of Yogyakarta State University
9) Major : English Literature and Culture
10) Institution Address : Yogyakarta State University, Karangmalang, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 55281
11) Phone : (0274) 550843, 548207
12) Fax : (0274) 548207

C. Publication
13) Fallacy and The Changing Definition of Warrior in American Indian Culture: The Sioux Experience (Humanika, UGM, 2005)
14) Native American’s Struggle for Existence in Three Short Stories (Jurnal Sastra dan Bahasa, STAIN Surakarta, 2006)
15) Teaching Children’s Literature: Teacher-centered vs. Children-centered Approaches ( The 3rd National JETA Conference, July 3-4, 2006, UNY, Yogyakarta)
16) Peran Orang Tua terhadap Anak dalam Menonton Tayangan Televisi (WUNY, 2007)
17) Woman’s Values in Society as Reflected in Marge Piercy’s “Barbie Doll” (DIKSI, UNY, 2007)
18) Poskolonialisme dalam Sastra Afro-Amerika (Seminar Nasional Rumpun Sastra FBS UNY, 2007)
19) Black Elk Speaks: What War Means to A Native American Warrior (DIKSI, UNY, 1 Januari 2008)
20) Menerjemahkan Puisi: Pengalaman Sapardi (Seminar Nasional Terjemahan dan Subtitling di Udinus Semarang, 30 Mei 2008)

D. Research
21) Coleridge’s Worship of Nature through the Supernatural World in “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” (2000)
22) Citra Perempuan dalam “A Work of Artifice” karya Marge Piercy: Sebuah Pendekatan Feminisme (2007)
23) Blanche, Alter Ego Tennessee Williams dalam A Streetcar Named Desire: Sebuah Tinjauan Psikoanalisis (2007)
24) Sastra Postkolonial Amerika: Fantasi Sosial tentang Superioritas Etnik Anglo-Saxon dan Resistensi Etnik Afro-Amerika (2008)

E. Text Book
25) Writing A Thesis Proposal (2006)
26) American Culture and Literature I (2007)

F. Community Services
27) Trainer of Debating in English for Students of SMU N 5 Yogyakarta (2005)
28) Trainer of MC and Public Speech in English for Students of MTs YAPI Pakem Sleman Yogyakarta (2006)
29) Trainer of Teaching English Literature for Teachers of MAN of Yogyakarta (2006)
30) Trainer of Wall Magazine and Public Speech in English for Students of SMP 3 Kasihan Bantul Yogyakarta (2007)
31) Jury of Poetry Reading Contest of SD and SMP in Yogyakarta at SMP 5 Yogyakarta (2007)
32) Trainer of SMP English Teacher of Sleman (2007)
33) Jury of Poetry Writing Contest for Students of State University of Yogyakarta at Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science (2007)
34) Jury of Storytelling Contest for SMP Students of Yogyakarta (24 Mei 2008)

G. Teaching Experience

35) Introduction to English Literature
36) Poetry
37) British Culture and Literature
38) American Culture and Literature

H. Services to the Institution

39) 2007-present
a. Treasurer of the English Language and Literature Study Program
Yogyakarta, June 1st, 2008.
b. Committee of the Accreditation of the English Education Department of Yogyakarta State University
c. Person in Charge of the Improvement of the Quality of Eficient Teaching and Learning Program Peningkatan through the Human Resource Development through Kualitas PBM yang Efisien melalui Peningkatan Profesionalisme Dosen dan Pemanfaatan IT

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